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Live The Life Of Your Choosing, Bravely and Unapologetically

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Are You Just Taking Up Space? Or…

Are You Truly Claiming It?

For far too long, society has dictated that we should be small—not just in size but in voice and presence.

This unwritten rule has pervaded our culture, influencing not only how we see ourselves but also how we’re expected to interact in the world.

Encouraged to shrink in boardrooms, downplay achievements, and stifle our strengths, people across the globe have faced a silent epidemic of invisibility.

This pervasive culture of minimization isn’t just about physical space; it extends into the very essence of how we communicate, lead, and assert ourselves.

In professional environments, this often means softening our opinions, silencing our ideas, or yielding our place at the table to avoid conflict or outshine peers.

In personal settings, it translates to muting our personalities, preferences, and dreams in the interest of harmony or societal approval.

This insidious pressure compounds over time, leading to a diminished sense of self-worth and agency.

The consequences are profound, affecting mental health, career progression, and personal satisfaction.

By consistently retreating into the margins of our own lives, we inadvertently endorse a status quo that undervalues our contributions and potential.

When voices are silenced, everyone loses.

We forfeit robust ideas, stifle communication, innovation, and collaboration, and diminish personal empowerment, which in turn affects organizational productivity, retention, and employee engagement.

But the tide is turning

There’s a growing recognition of the need to reclaim the spaces we’ve been conditioned to cede. It’s time to challenge the norms that demand we make ourselves less for the comfort of others and to rewrite the rules of engagement across all areas of life.

It’s time to be seen and heard, to expand rather than contract, and to occupy every inch of space we deserve without apology or restraint.

Empowering You To Be The Hero In Your Own Story

Eliza Van Cort is a communication strategist, acclaimed speaker, bestselling author, Cornell University Fellow, empowering mentor, rule breaker, rule maker, and unapologetic space claimer.

She’s a sought-after consultant known for her engaging keynotes and workshops. With expertise in strategic communication, workplace issues, and women’s empowerment, she masterfully blends her background in political science and the arts for impactful outcomes.

Eliza’s signature keynotes, retreats, courses, workshops, speeches, and coaching give audiences and participants concrete tools to better communicate, influence, collaborate, and lead.

What Others Are Saying

“I am so fascinated by this! There are such impressive takeaways!


“With sharp intelligence, keen wit and humor, Eliza delivers on all levels `”

Elli Reges (Voorhees),

“ The secret to living your one, wildly authentic life is to claim your space. Here’s how.”

Maria Shriver’s Sunday Paper Book of the Week

Eliza In The Spotlight

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Author of “A Woman’s Guide to Claiming Space” Eliza VanCort joins Drew Barrymore and Ross Mathews to give them three helpful tips on how to “claim their space.”

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Listen To The Claim Your Space Podcast

Claim Your Space will equip you to live the life of your choosing unapologetically and bravely. Each week host Eliza VanCort will have authentic and informative conversations that offer inspirational knowledge, important lessons, and practical tools you can use right now to make your life better.

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A women’s guide to Claiming space

Eliza’s #1 bestselling book is inspired by the stories and research of the brilliant, brave women she has met throughout the world.

“100 Best Influence Books of All Time”


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Book Eliza To Speak

Eliza has delivered speeches at